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If it is your first visit to King’s Church look for one of the Greeting Team who will be happy to help make you feel at home, we want you to have a great time with us. Make sure to plan to stay after the service for a free coffee or tea and a chance for a chat.
Who we are?
King's Church consists of a wide range of different people, from all ages and different backgrounds. Whoever you are you are assured a very warm welcome at King's Church.
When to arrive:
If it's your first visit then it's probably best to turn up around
What to wear:
This is easy. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up to try and be someone that you're not.
What to expect:
For some people going anywhere for the first time can be a bit of a nerve-racking experience. To help avoid any worries here's a quick summary of what you can expect at King's. First of all we aren't super-spiritual beings, we all had a 'first day' at church, you'll find we are a friendly bunch, if you don't understand something please simply ask. We start our meeting at
What we believe:
We are a Christian church and believe that all can have relationship with God. We believe this relationship with God is possible because of Jesus (God's only son) who invites us to follow him. We have friendly relationships with other local churches from both traditional and modern backgrounds. If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith then please come along on a Sunday or contact the Church.