What we do - UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ALL REGULAr activities are postponed
There's always lots going on at King's Church check out the Weeks Planner or the What's On page for more information.
WEEK PLANNER at the King's Centre
Little Fishes - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Knit, Stitch and Natter 1:00pm to 3:00pm
King's Club 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Growth Groups - 7.45pm at various locations
Growth Groups - at various locations
Growth Groups - at various locations
Sunday Celebration - 10.30am all welcome
Revolution - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Regular Activities at King’s Church
Sunday Celebration – starts at 10:30am finishes around 12:00pm
The Sunday Celebration is an excellent time for the whole family, with dynamic praise, awesome worship and great life relevant teaching for everyone. Sunday school facilities and crèche are available for the under 11s. Be early to get a good seat!
PowerHouse – Every Sunday 11:15am to 12:00pm for 4 to 11 year olds
Fun, games and bible study in a safe environment, we have 3 classes for different age groups to help care and develop the children to discover more about God and all he has planned for them.
Mid–Week Growth Groups – Tuesday to Thursday
Each week the members of the Church split into smaller groups which typically meet in homes for friendship, worship and bible study. These groups are where the real life of Church develops as people are able to be more open, develop friendships and share in each others lives. The groups meet all over the community and are open to people who attend King’s Church on a regular basis. Times vary from morning to evenings.
King’s Club – Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:00pm @ the King’s Centre (during term time only)
A club for junior school children (5 to 11 year olds) where they can have a great time of fun and games and a short look various issues relating to young children and how knowing God can help them.
Youth – 7:00pm – 9:00pm @ the King’s Centre 11+ years old
An outreach aimed specifically at developing friendships with teenagers. The evenings are varied consisting of fun, games and a brief message some weeks other times may involve watching a film, going bowling, lazerquest etc. A great place to make friends.
Prayer Day – Second Wednesday in each month @ the King’s Centre
A place where the whole church gathers together for prayer and to see things changed. At King’s Church we believe in the power of prayer and we value greatly the times we gather together with one mind to see real breakthrough and receive from God.
Little Fishes – Mums and toddlers group – 0 to 4 years old – Mondays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm @ the King’s Centre (during term time only)
A service for the community for mums to get together and toddlers to play together. There are regularly more than 30 mums and toddlers who get together for friendship, chat, play and a cup of tea; why not give it a try.
Knit, Stitch and Natter Tuesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm @ King's Centre
A chance to gather and catch up for anybody that is interested in knitting, stitching or just nattering. Bring along your stitching or knitting and join in.