Safeguarding Policy


King's Church Little Lever regards the safeguarding of children, young people, adults with additional care and support needs and good working practice as a priority. In the interests of the safety and well being of all it has developed and operates a formal safeguarding policy. 

King's Church is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children or young people and adults with additional care and support:

BL3 RoundersThe safeguarding policy may be viewed and/or a copy obtained from the office at King's Church 

As part of this place of worship’s commitment to children, young people and vulnerable adults it has appointed David Kell as Safeguarding Co-ordinator with John Seddon and Joanne Clee as Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinators. All the children and young people and adults involved in activities within the church know who they are and how they can be contacted.

Should King's Church have any safeguarding concerns it will seek the advice of the Thirtyone:eight and if appropriate contact the statutory authorities.

Thirtyone:Eight are an independent Christian charity which helps individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse.

31:8 logo

Statement on Safeguarding


The following statement was agreed by the leadership SEPTEMBER 2021

We are committed to:

We recognise: