Change to CIO

As Andrew shared on Sunday 19th November we are looking to modernise our Charity constitution and set up, our current one although it has evolved over the years largely reflects both our situation and the guidance 40 years ago. As Andrew shared if we were to start as a church today then it would be recommended that we would become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO for short. CIO's have many advantages including greater access to potential funding and  'Trustees have limited or no liability for CIO Debts or liabilities.' (taken from After much consideration in conjunction with legal professionals, we as a leadership team and trustees propose that King's Church becomes a CIO. This will not change the day to day running of the church or change our vision, values, or mission to spread the good news of Jesus in Little Lever and beyond.

Below is a video of what Andrew shared with the church on Sunday 19th November

In order to make this change we will be holding a vote as a church after the Sunday Celebration on Sunday 26th November- if you would like to vote but aren't able to be with us email David.